Tamro’s mission is to deliver health. We deliver almost 60 percent of all pharmaceuticals required in hospitals, pharmacies and retail stores throughout Finland. In addition to distributing pharmaceuticals and other health products, we offer data-driven services, sales and marketing services, as well as digital home care solutions.


Connecting the health sector

Tamron vihreitä keräilylaatikoita kuljetinhihnalla.

Availability of medicines and health products

We are one of the organisations that are vital for the security of supply, as we deliver medicines to hospitals and pharmacies as well as for the use of public and private health care. As a part of critical infrastructure we need to ensure the availability of medicines in all circumstances.
Nuori nainen odottaa Terveystalon odotustilassa.

We deliver health

We have an important role to play in Finnish society, as we safeguard public health services and health care. We always have the patient’s best interest at heart. We ensure the quick and high-quality delivery of medicines to Finnish consumers. We do our part to make sure that medicines are available and actively develop the quality of pharmaceutical distribution.
Kuvassa iloisia ihmisiä keskustelemassa toimistossa.

Research cooperation in the health sector

The health value chain begins with research activities, which aim at finding new, improved and more effective treatments and at preventing diseases. At the end of the value chain is the Finnish patient, whose health and well-being motivate the entire health value chain.
Foresight Forum -tapahtuman näyttämö kuvattuna salin takaosasta. Katossa isoja vihreitä valoputkista tehtyjä sydämiä.

Supporting innovation in the health sector

We want to promote constructive debate on the future of the health and wellbeing sector and to be involved in supporting innovation in the field. We want to influence developments and prepare for the future together with our customers in a rapidly changing operational environment.

Tamro in numbers

tamro in numbers revenue
tamro in numbers boxes
tamro in numbers employees

PHOENIX group in numbers

phoenix group in numbers revenue
phoenix group numbers employees
phoenix group in numbers pharmacies