In Health & Future, we discuss topical phenomena and the development of the fields of pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors with interesting expert guests in accessible language, offering both information and insight.
With our expert guests, we will discuss the phenomena behind the pharmaceutical supply reform and the ultimate goals of the changes. We will also discuss whether medicines alone make for good treatment and what is expected from pharmaceutical supply services.
Our podcast is available in Finnish on the following platforms: Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.
Season 1: Pharmaceutical supply

Episode 1: The phenomena behind the pharmaceutical supply reform
Guest: Sanna Lauslahti, Pharma Industry Finland

Episode 2: Are medicines alone enough for good treatment?
Guest: Kerstin Carlsson, HUS Pharmacy

Episode 3: What do customers expect from pharmaceutical services?
Guests: Katri Hämeen-Anttila and Leena Reinikainen, Fimea

Episode 4: What are the ultimate goals of the pharmaceutical supply reform?
Guests: Charlotta Sandler, Association of Finnish Pharmacies; Julia Lumijärvi, Consumers’ Union of Finland; and Inka Puumalainen, University Pharmacy