The entire health and wellbeing industry at your fingertips
Our vision is to become a force that comprehensively connects the entire health value chain. We’re not just a service provider; we create understanding of the industry and the opportunities it provides.
The health value chain begins with research activities, which aim at finding new, improved and more effective treatments and at preventing diseases. At the end of the value chain is the Finnish patient, whose health and well-being motivate the entire health value chain.
The beginning of the value chain is represented by our subsidiary Medaffcon, which provides research and expert services for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. In the midsection of the value chain we provide pharmaceutical logistics, support for market entry and health products. Closest to the consumer is the dosing service of our subsidiary Pharmac, our joint venture, the Olo-apteekki pharmacy chain, and the home care service SMILA provided by Tamro.
As a connector of the health value chain we are actively involved in developing the industry networks. We are currently in the process of putting together an advisory board of physicians for the development of the concept of home care. The aim of the group is to provide expert views on home care and the processing of health data. We invite you to take part in our networks and engage in discussions on social media.
We invite you to take part in our networks and engage in open discussions on our social media channels.
Unifying development work
We provide new solutions to social challenges. The design and build of our new services is always based on the needs of our customers.
Co-developing business formats
MyTamro and Tamro LINK were inspired by the challenges our customers were facing and developed in close cooperation with our customers.
Partaking in societal change
Pharmacies are assuming and increasingly important role in supporting health, which is why the Olo-apteekki pharmacy chain is designed to provide extensive health-sustaining services. Read more >
Solutions to shared challenges
The Smila care service will improve pharmaceutical safety and the effectiveness of drug treatment whilst making pre-emptive therapy easier. This will allow care staff to have more time for meeting customers as well as for care and nursing, as Smila will take care of the customer's basic medication needs. Read more >
Connective research
Founded in 2009, Medaffcon provides research and expert services for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. The company's strengths feature extensive expertise, comprehensive cooperation networks and the ability to develop innovative solutions.
Representing various academic disciplines, Medaffcon's experts have solid experience in the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare and research.
Medaffcon has been our subsidiary since 2017. Together, we are able to provide wide-ranging healthcare services.
High-quality health economics research benefits patients, public health services and society as a whole. Medaffcon conducts studies, analyses and reports that, among other things, provide support in making decisions on the introduction of new and effective drug treatments. These activities contribute to the timely availability of medicines for Finnish patients in a manner that is sustainable for society and the patient.
Medaffcon's expertise also produces analyses that are based on users’ experiences on the effectiveness of existing treatments and studies that identify new groups of patients that gain the most benefit from treatments.
The purpose of risk-sharing models and agreements, which have become increasingly common in hospital and outpatient care, is to share the uncertainty related to the cost and effectiveness of medicinal products and ultimately to make medical treatment available to patients that will benefit from it. The risk-sharing model implementation services provided by Medaffcon include, for instance, an economic assessment and the design of a mutually beneficial pricing and risk-sharing model.
Together with Medaffcon's comprehensive expertise and the management system for risk-sharing models Tamro LINK, we offer a comprehensive solution for implementing risk-sharing models.
Medaffcon pioneers the use of health data resources in Finland. The company produces and processes data that can be used for the knowledge-based development of health care services. The evaluation of effectiveness in social and health care includes, for example, an analysis of the operation of the treatment chain. The aim of the work is to improve patient care and subsequently health in situations characterised by the availability of only limited health resources.
The social and health services of the future are managed with knowledge. The Future Care Finland website contains social and health care projects that have been conducted by Medaffcon utilising real-world data. In addition, the website provides perspectives on knowledge management in social and health care services.
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Smila Care Services

Service business