PHOENIX group, the parent company of Tamro, has approved a climate strategy that applies to the entire group. One of the key objectives of this strategy is to become CO2-neutral in its own business operations by the year 2030.
PHOENIX group operates in a total of 29 European countries, and each operating country takes responsibility for achieving the target.
The carbon neutrality target guides Tamro's systematic environmental work and provides a clear framework for measures aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions, says Katja Toivonen, Tamro's Quality and Sustainability Business Partner.
– A significant portion of Tamro's emissions are related to the maintenance of our facilities and the operation of production, as the products we handle require regulated conditions. It is therefore natural for us to start reducing emissions from the heating and electricity energy we use.
With its climate target, PHOENIX group aims to underline its commitment to creating added value not only for the healthcare sector but also for society and the environment.
– As part of society and as the leading healthcare provider in Europe, it is our duty to contribute to greater climate protection and help especially in minimizing the health risks related to rising temperatures, says Leon Jankelevitsh, Member of the Executive Board Healthcare Logistics & Sustainable Supply Chain.
– We are convinced that the economic success of our company is inseparably linked with social and environmental responsibility. The expectations of our customers, employees and investors are growing – as are regulatory requirements.
In addition to focusing on emissions in PHOENIX’ own business unit, the healthcare provider is working in parallel to optimise data collection for its emissions along the supply chain.
For more information on this topic, please refer to the press release from PHOENIX group.