Tamro will be donating sports gift cards worth 10,000 euros through Hope to families in the Helsinki area and Tampere. The families will receive the gift cards before Christmas.
This is the second year that Tamro is working with Hope. Hope supports families around Finland that are indigent or have experienced a crisis by giving them clothes or goods, support for children’s or young people’s hobbies, and leisure experiences. During 2020, Hope helped some 9,000 families, reaching out to 22,000 children and young people.
– The financial uncertainty caused by the pandemic is experienced more and more urgently in families, and we are getting an increasing number of requests for help. Fortunately donators have also been active throughout the pandemic, and Hope has been able to meet families’ needs well in most locations. Thanks to Tamro’s donation, we can help 200 families in the form of sports gift cards, helping children and young people to get exercise, says Nora Nederström, Hope’s Operations Manager, with a smile.
– As Christmas approaches, families feel stressed, because not every family has money for Christmas presents. Hobbies support children’s wellbeing and social relationships. This is why we want to support Hope before Christmas to finance children and young people’s sports hobbies. Our staff can also pitch in by donating a sum of their choice says Tamro’s Quality and Corporate Responsibility Manager Katja Toivonen.