The home care services of Jyväskylä have started a Smila pilot project. The purpose of the pilot is to test how well the Smila care service works and to improve the operation of the Smila care unit. The project provides important information on how Smila can help the home care staff to use more of their time for actual care work.
- A total of 20 Smila care units will be used. The last ones will be brought in during July, says Home Care Manager Sanna Liljeroos.
The Smila care service has been warmly welcomed, and used by mainly older people. Sanna Liljeroos says that the customers have taken to the new technology well.
- Some people have actually asked to get the device, says Liljeroos. The home care staff has also been interested in Smila.
Smila launch going well
The launch of Smila care units has proceeded well in Jyväskylä. The carers first considered who would benefit from the Smila care service, and then asked the customers whether they are interested.
During coronavirus restrictions, Smila training was provided remotely.
- After training, we have been able to consult Tamro trainers and they’ve always come up with prompt answers to any problems, Sanna Liljeroos kertoo.
The home care managers have also been positive about Smila.
- Training sessions have always been gone really well, even though we have busy schedules, says Sanna Liljeroos with a smile.
Liljeroos says that two nurses are currently doing research on customer experiences of Smila as part of their studies.
- This should help us learn more about customers’ experiences of Smila, says Liljeroos.
Digital services to assist in home care
The coronavirus pandemic has made digital services increasingly important in home care. There has been more demand for Smila devices than we can supply.
- We have only 20 Smila care units in the current pilot, but there’s demand for more, Sanna Liljeroos sanoo.
- We are getting more and more requests about Smila and other similar remote care services, she continues. Some home care customers have not, because of the coronavirus situation, wanted any carers in their home, so Smila and remote services are a great help.
The Smila project has been about putting the bits and pieces together, but on the whole she’s been very happy with the pilot.
- It’s been an excellent opportunity and we’re learning something new all the time, Liljeroos sums up.