130 years ago, on February 23, 1895, four pharmacists from Tampere — Fredrik Borg, Wolter Aschan, Amil A. Scheele, and Karl Molin — applied for permission from the Governor of Häme Province to establish a drugstore and a technical-chemical factory. The permit was granted, and in May, Drogeri-Handelsbolaget i Tammerfors, known in Finnish as Tampereen Rohdoskauppayhtiö, was officially founded.
By July, an announcement on the front page of Aamulehti heralded the opening of a brick-and-mortar store at Kauppakatu 16. Tamro was born.
Tamro is celebrating its 130th anniversary this year. Throughout the year, we will share stories from Tamro’s rich history and introduce the dedicated teams who work with determination, expertise, and heart.
Read more about Tamro's roots and follow our Linked in page.